Linux File System

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Linux File System

Post by dev »

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1 "/" (Root): Just like roots of a tree, this is where it all begins. All files and directories stem from the root.

2 "/bin": This is the storage spot for essential binary files, like system command binaries that are needed for the Linux system to run. Think of it as a toolbox!

3 "/etc": It's like a filing cabinet ️ for system-wide configuration files! It holds crucial data that helps your system function smoothly.

4 "/home": A personal space for users' directories. This is where you'll find your personal files.

5 "/var": This stands for variable files - logs, databases, emails, etc. Think of it as the storage room where things that change often are kept.

6 "/usr": This directory is like a public library where applications and files used by users are stored.

7 "/boot": The guard's room! It contains everything your system needs to start up like the bootloader and kernel.

8 "/dev": It stands for device files. Consider it a garage where every file represents a device that the Linux kernel can talk to.

9 "/proc": A virtual directory that provides info about system resources. It's like a real-time system's health check.
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Re: Linux File System

Post by dev »


- / (Root)The base directory of the entire file system from which all other directories branch out. All directories and files reside under the root directory.

- /bin Contains essential user binary executables that are needed in single user mode and to bring the system up or repair it.

- /boot Stores the static bootloader and kernel files needed to boot the operating system.

- /dev This directory contains device nodes or files that represent hardware components or drivers.

- /etc Configuration files for the system and application settings are located here. It's the administrative directory.

- /home Personal directories for users of the system are found here, with subdirectories for each user.

- /lib Essential shared library images needed for booting the system and running the commands in the root filesystem.

- /media This is a mount point for removable media devices, such as USB drives and CDs.

- /mnt Temporarily mounted filesystems and devices are usually mounted here by the system administrator.

- /opt Optional or third-party software that doesn't conform to the standard file system hierarchy can be found here.

- /proc A virtual and dynamic pseudo-filesystem that provides access to kernel and process information as files.

- /root This is the home directory for the root user and is not part of /home to ensure the root user can log in even if /home is not available.

- /sbin This directory holds system administration binaries that are generally not meant for execution by normal users.

- /tmp A place for temporary files used by applications and the system.

- /usr Contains the majority of user utilities and applications, including the home directories of many programs.

- /var Variable data like logs, databases, websites, and temporary files generated by the system and the users are placed here.
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