linux cpu banchmark test

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linux cpu banchmark test

Post by dev »

Sysbench (Benchmark Only)

Sysbench, as the name suggests, is a command line app to run benchmarks on your system. Written in Lua, Sysbench is mainly intended for doing database benchmarking. However it includes options to test CPU, memory and file throughput as well.

To install Sysbench in Ubuntu, run the command below:

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sudo apt install sysbench
To start a benchmark using Sysbench, run the following command:

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sysbench cpu --threads=2 run

“cpu” is the test type
“threads” is the number of threads created by sysbench to perform multi-threaded benchmarking

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sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=200000 --threads=12 --time=0 --events=10000 run
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